Zero Youth Corrections: Community Input Sessions

Zero Youth Corrections Community Input Sessions Basic

We need community input! Our public conversations will guide the process for the second round of Zero Youth Corrections funding. Our goal is to reduce youth incarceration and make a positive impact on the legal system in MKE.

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Cultivating Tulsa’s Equitable Future

Middle school children planting a tree.

Plant Seads project, Tulsa’s Carver Middle School and the Dick Conner Correctional Center have together planted seedlings all throughout Tulsa to acknowledge the past and give people a sense that change and sustaining growth is possible.

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Democracy for Black Americans Is Under Attack

Democracy For Blacks Under Attack

The National Urban League annual State of Black America report cites hate crimes against Black Americans on the rise and along with extremist views in government. These are concerning for all Americans who value democracy.

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An Activity Book for the Anti-Racist

It’s not often that a book covering an issue as serious as anti-racism features coloring pages, crossword puzzles, and even a board game. But that’s precisely what W. Kamau Bell and Kate Schatz have incorporated into their new book, Do the Work!: An Antiracist Activity Book.

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