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Special News Series: Rising Up For Justice! – CA city announced $4 million settlement over police shooting of mentally ill Black man

Photo of Miles Hall in his mother's (Taun Hall) hands.

Walnut Creek, California announced a $4 million settlement of a federal lawsuit with the family of Miles Hall, a 23-year-old Black man who was shot by police last year while having a mental health episode.

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Special News Series: Rising Up For Justice! – Black lives matter in children’s books, too.

8 year old boy reading Hidden Figures

“When a child sees themselves reflected in the books that they read, when the books are a mirror to them, they feel valued.” Black main characters are slowly growing more prominent in children’s books research shows. The Roseman’s Young, Black & Lit is making certain free books that feature black characters reach children.

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Special News Series: Rising Up For Justice! – Black Lives Matter but slavery isn’t our only narrative

Slave memorial in Zanzibar

Our historical understanding of Blackness is most commonly shaped by the story of the Atlantic slave trade, in particular to the Americas. But this is a linear narrative that is dominated by American voices. It’s not just potentially exclusory; it doesn’t adequately take into account the diversity of black people worldwide. Aretha Phiri asks Michelle M. Wright about her work in disrupting the slavery narrative.

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Special News Series: Rising Up For Justice! – Black National Convention builds unity for Black liberation

protesters with BLM flag

The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) and the Electoral Justice Project joined forces to bring together Black organizers and activists from across the country Aug. 29th, for the 2020 Black National Convention (BNC), a multi-hour broadcast filled with energy, celebration, education, electoral justice, and a vision for Black lives.

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Special News Series: Rising Up For Justice! – Rally at Red Arrow Park draws crowd on DNC’s final day

Protesters at DNC Rally

The largest crowd of the week gathered at Red Arrow Park for an event to protest the Democratic National Convention and support the Black Lives Matters movement. Hundreds of masked individuals met in the downtown Milwaukee park where Dontre Hamilton was shot and killed by a Milwaukee police officer in 2014.

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Three of the World’s Most Influential Empires: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai

These West African empires controlled more wealth and conducted more global trade than did any European power during their time in history. They also left lasting, influential contributions to the world’s knowledge base, art, culture, and religion.

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MKE County Exec David Crowley commits his tenure to addressing inequities

Amidst the ongoing pandemic, Milwaukee County Executive David Crawley announced that he would be dedicating his tenure to “addressing the gaping inequities” across the city

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Special News Series: Rising Up For Justice! – Milwaukee protesters begin march to Washington, D.C.

Frank Nitty and marchers

Milwaukee protest leader Frank Sensabaugh starts his 750 mile march with supporters to Washington, D.C.

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‘I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired’

James E. Causey brilliantly examines the plight of Black America and Black Milwaukee specifically. Connecting the turmoil of today to sixty years worth of history.

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Special News Series: Rising Up For Justice! – 45 Wisconsin Communities Protest

As video of George Floyd’s death spread across the US, protests followed in major cities — as well as unexpected small cities and tiny virtually all-white towns around Wisconsin.

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