Breaking News! History in the Making

An interracial couple relaxes (Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels)

Room4Debate: Do barriers to interracial marriage still exist?

While interracial is now legally protected, some people recognized informal barriers to marrying across racial lines.

The range of dish washing products have been branded racist

Room4Debate: ‘Afro Sponges’ for Sale: Racist or Cute?

A new cleaning product associates Black icons with cleaning products in a way that makes some people bristle.

Duke Ellington

This Day in Black History: Duke Ellington is Born

Renowned jazz musician Duke Ellington was born after slavery ended, which enabled his career to take off.

Black male teacher

African-American Male Teacher A Vanishing Phenomenon, Experts Say

The students who student flourish under Black male teachers are unlikely to have such teachers in the USA.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hugs his wife Coretta

This Day in Black History: Coretta Scott King is Born

Coretta Scott King didn’t just marry an activist; she became one in her own right during her life in the 20th century.

biracial familly

Number of biracial babies soars over past decade

Racial identity is a complex topic that becomes even more complicated for people who are biracial or multiracial.

Ella Fitzgerald

This Day in Black History: Jazz Singer Ella Fitzgerald is Born

Like many jazz musicians, Ella Fitzgerald was born in the early 20th century before rising to fame for her music.

Thanks to an Atlanta judge, Black women can still receive grants from the Fearless Fund, at least for now (Christina Morillo/Pexels)

African American Female HIV Rates Now Rival Africa

Black women make up a disproportionately large number of new HIV cases in the United States, comparing to rates in Africa.

James Cone

America’s ‘angriest’ theologian faces lynching tree

James Cone’s memoir describes growing up during the Jim Crow era and the righteous anger it inspired in him.

Communities of color have less economic security than whites.

Economic Gap Widens for Blacks

Recent reports suggest that American workers of color continue to make less than their white counterparts.

Vermon Jordan at the NAtional Urban League

This Day in Black History- National Urban League Founded

For more than a century, the National Urban League has been advocating for policies and education to help Black Americans.

Harriet Tubman

This Day in Black History

In 1853, Harriet Tubman because the dangerous work of helping people escape their enslavement and start new lives.

George zimmerman

Inside the Racist Mind

While most people avoid thinking that they’re racist, some people recognize the difficulty to unlearn what society teaches us.

Is keeping your head up proving to be too much?

Does acting like ‘a man’ depress black men?

Racism has a real and measurable impact on Black men’s mental health according to a study out of UNC Chapel Hill.

Tanya McDowell

Education For Poor Students Threatened By Exclusionary Housing

Black students may struggle to learn and succeed without stable and accessible housing to fall back on.

The Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at Ferris State University

Jim Crow Museum Of Racist Memorabilia Showcases Segregation-era Artifacts

The Ferris State University library in Big Rapids, Michigan is home to the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia.

Black Female Soldier

Black Women Struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Black women who served in the armed forces face unique mental challenges that can cause PTSD, says research.

Neighborhood Watch Skittles Portrait

Artist creates Zimmerman portrait with 12,000 Skittles

One artists has reached for candy to make a point in a recent pointillism piece featuring George Zimmerman, killer of Trayvon Martin.

Martin Luther King writes

On This Day in American History…

Martin Luther King Jr. advocated for non-violent forms of protest in this infamous letter he penned while in jail.

CORE Button

The Birth of CORE

The Congress Of Racial Equality, also known as CORE, spearheaded voting, education, and related projects to promote racial equality.

Trayvon Martin

Justice for Trayvon

This opinion pieces considers how anti-Black violence that ended the life of a boy lead to a demand for justice.