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Museum of Fine Arts Boston Receives Monumental Boost To African Art Collection

African art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

A Boston museum is the new home for an impressive collection of art pieces thanks to a generous donation by a collector.

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This Day in Black History: Civil Rights Act Signed

President Lyndon Baines Johnson gives the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., the pen he used to sign the 1964 Civil Rights Act

President Johnson’s signature enacted the first of three bills dedicated to racial equality in the United States.

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This Day in Black History: Buffalo Soldiers Unit Created

Buffalo Soldiers of the 25th Infantry Regiment, 1890

The first Black soldiers belonged to Army units created specifically for people of color by congress in the 1860s.

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Chicago Charter School Boasts 100 Percent Graduation Rate for Third Consecutive Year

One Chicago school continues its track record for excellence and commitment to helping Black students, especially boys.

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Black doctors see hope in TV’s ‘Doc McStuffins’

Doc McStuffins with Stuff in a scene from Disney Junior's animated series "Doc McStuffins"

A children’s television show offers representation and sends an inspiring message that is typically in short supply.

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Celebrate the Birthday of James Weldon Johnson, Intellectual, Activist, and Writer of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing”!

Aged around 30 at the time of this photo, James W. Johnson had already written Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing and been admitted to the Florida bar.

James Weldon Johnson’s poems engaged his powerful voice and encouraged others to rise up and speak out against injustice.

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Stop-and-Frisk App Users on the Rise

Stop & Frisk app

Thousands have downloaded New York Civil Union’s new app to report stop-and-frisk interactions with the police.

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First Statue In U.S. Honoring Dred Scott Unveiled Friday In St. Louis

Dred Scott, a slave whose suit for freedom led to one of our most important Supreme Court decisions ever.

The man who bravely argued that Black people are humans and deserve to be treated as such will be honored with a new statue at a college.

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Black Doc Sues UCLA, Cites Racist Treatment

Dr. Christian Head is suing his employer, UCLA, after workplace racism culminated in undeniably racist imagery.

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Wasting Time Is New Divide in Digital Era

Black man on phone

Technological access and the opportunities for information, wealth, and health it offers differ based on race, according to new research.

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